Trent Roleau, 34, grew up in the town next to Bristol. His parents always had draft horses, beef cows, and pigs, as well as producing maple syrup. Trent graduated high school and pursued a degree from Vermont Technical College in Dairy Farm Management in 2009, and a degree in Diversified Agriculture in 2011. Upon graduation Trent went into carpentry because it made him a better living, but farming was always his dream. Trent and Abby were married in 2012, they were waiting for the opportunity to buy their own land. Trent still works carpentry full-time to support the family and the farm - but dreams of the day he can stay home and focus his energy and time on their farm.
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Time of Year: Sugaring Season
Favorite Hobby: Playing Basketball
Favorite Quote: Work Smarter, Not Harder